Saturday, 14 December 2013

10.0 Building a Relationship

10.1 What is "Building a Relationship"?
A relationship, a personalized definition, stretches from the basic rule of a party having communicated to another. A party may form a simple relationship or even the most complex, which is dependant on the intention of both parties. There are varieties of form of relationship and such are for the workplace, neighbours, classmates, partners, alumnus, and the list goes on. Here, we will look into the general basics, and that is: How can we build a good relationship?

Announcement #02


Alhamdulillah, Mentality Evolutions has finally completed its advancements. The Founder hopes it will further assist in your overall undertakings.

Click here to visit the new Mentality Evolutions.

Have a marvellous and prosperous day ahead!

Friday, 11 October 2013

Announcement #01


The project - Mentality Evolutions - is currently undergoing major advancements. The major advancements are to aid your ease of browsing and reading throughout the project. Additionally, the Founder will be adding a Service Department to help out young leaders such as yours truly in your career path.

Insha'Allah, the major advancements will be made published by the end of the year 2013 the latest.

Have a marvellous and prosperous day ahead!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

9.0 Iman - Its Ups and Downs

9.0 What is "Iman - Its Ups and Downs"?
Iman, in conventional context, is faith. It is having faith over a matter. Iman, in Islamic context on the other hand, is having faith towards knowing and believing the existence of Allah Azza wa Jal (Mighty and Majestic is He). Hence, knowing it is an intangible matter of mentality without a doubt it has its fluctuation over time. Let us study on how can we be aware of its fluctuation. There are two factors playing their roles in affecting our iman, both internal and external, which are respectively: knowledge and associations (a.k.a. circle of influence).

9.1 The Internal and External Players

Saturday, 13 July 2013

8.0 Presenting a Project

8.0 What is "Presenting a Project"?
This is a simple yet vital topic. It circulates on three cores - clarity, simplicity and diagram/ visualisation - in presenting a project either beforehand implementation or its aftermath. Visualize the simulation of you as an individual presenting your project(s) towards the audience such they may be professors, top management, and even instructors.

8.1 The Powerful Presentation
There are three cores to take note in having a powerful presentation namely Clarity, Simplicity and Diagram/ Visualization.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

7.0 What is Your Catchphrase?

7.0 What is "What is Your Catchphrase?"
Really now, what is up with this topic? Does it not sound wasteful to think of something so simple that it ridicules us? The answer is: NO. The answer is capitalized to express the strength of having our own catchphrase of words, whom some people may also call it a tagline, slogan, mantra, quotation, words of wisdom, and the list goes on. Elements to take account in creating our own catchphrase are, for example, as following:
  1. Practicality - it must be realistic, able to be practiced and achieved.
  2. Differentiation - it must be different for it is what makes you unique, and distinguished from the rest.
  3. Evolution - an additional quality, it must have the ability to evolve from a basic element into another that is better.

7.1 Creating Your Catchphrase

Saturday, 15 June 2013

6.0 Energy Management - Physical

6.0 What is "Energy Management"?
Bluntly, it is defined exactly as it sounds - the ability to manage our energy - but there exist various types of energy namely physical energy, mental energy, and emotion energy. All these three elements of energy can be managed, which should they be managed effectively will result in a refreshing kick start in a daily basis. In this post, we will look into understanding the physical energy management.

6.1 The Basic - Understanding Energy Levels
This illustration does not necessarily depicts actual energy levels for each person for, in actuality, every person's physique abilities differ. This is crafted to have a gist understanding on the basic energy levels of a human on a 12-hour basis.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

5.0 Poisons of the Heart - Its Protections and Cures

5.0 What is "Poisons of the Heart - Its Protections and Cures"?
What do we understand from the title "Poisons of the Heart" initially? Na'uzubillah, there are many types of poisons inflicting the heart negatively namely gossips, jealousy, and hatred as such. The heart in this post particularly is referred to our 'iman' (faith). In this post, furthermore, we would focus on the poison namely gossip. Gossip, a non-benevolent WOM (Word of Mouth), can either be embraced or rejected.

5.1 The Options and Courses of Action

Saturday, 13 April 2013

4.0 Time Management

4.0 What is "Time Management"?
Time management is often understood as managing our time therein filled with tasks. Abu Productive uttered the opposition where he said:
"You can't manage your time. What you can manage is your life." - Abu Productive
True as it sounds for time is an uncontrolled intangible matter to us - servants of Allah Azza wa Jal (Majestic and Sublime is He) - human beings. A controllable matter within our decree though is managing tasks in our daily life. How to manage our countless tasks be it in our working life, marriage, assisting others, time for own-self, and the list goes on. Here, we will look into the matrix of managing our tasks effectively.

4.1 Time Management - Priority Versus Attention

Saturday, 2 March 2013

2.0 Daily Life with Remembrance (Part 2)

2.3 Understanding Our Position in Uttering the Remembrances
Do we know our current position in remembering Allah s.w.t. (glorified and exalted be He) in our daily life? Do we have the intention, can we utter them, and are we capable in putting them into action? In continuing the previous discussion, we will now look into our position in uttering the remembrances basing on the three cores.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

3.0 Three Nutritions for a Human

3.1 What is "Three Nutritions for a Human"?
Exist within our environment are three nutritions for the soul, mind and body for any human. This topic is to discuss on what they are exactly and how we can gain or build these nutritions into ourselves. This topic was first initiated by Abu Productive during the Productive Muslim Seminar 2013.

3.2 The Three Nutritions

Sunday, 17 February 2013

2.0 Daily Life with Remembrance (Part 1)

2.1 What is "Daily Life with Remembrance"?
Daily life with remembrance is basically living our lives in constantly remembering Allah s.w.t. (glorified and exalted be He). How can we do that? It is by employing these twelve words in our daily conversation or dialogue. Encompassing our daily conversation or dialogue with these twelve utterly words promotes our iman (faith), insya'Allah. Apart from practicing these words for the purpose of remembrance, certain words also act as a good will pray to oneself and the other party upon engaging in a conversation or dialogue. Nevertheless, remembrance of Allah s.w.t. is not subjected to only these mentioned words.

2.2 The Thirteen Remembrances

Saturday, 2 February 2013

1.0 3 Cores in Implementing a Project

1.1 What is "3 Cores in Implementing a Project"?
The three cores - intention, speech, and action - are originally taken from the knowledge in Islam, subhanallah, which can be practiced in various aspects in our daily life. Its origin is for the purpose of identifying a muslim's level of iman (faith). These cores can be seen as a trigger to initiate a project or even a mere action. On another basis, it can be used to combat procrastination.

1.2.0 The Three Cores

Sunday, 27 January 2013


0.1 Who is this blogger?
Muhammad Sufiyan Bin Mohd Salleh is a muslimin - a male muslim - who lives in Malaysia generally. As at 27th January 2013, he created this blog in striving to spread benevolence widely with the usage of internet. The one who triggered his intention to start this blog as a medium of pooling intel was Abu Productive, founder of He, himself, is no better than you, readers of this project. Alhamdulillah, in remembering Allah s.w.t. (glorious and exalted be He), he utters these words in both mind and speech:
"O' Allah, make me a better muslim. If I am a better muslim today than yesterday, then I am thankful. If not, make me better, and I hope the tomorrow of me will be better than the me of today. Allahhumma amin."
It is his mission or objective to transfer all sorts of knowledge gained, insya'Allah, encompassed by his own life and surroundings into this project. His vision? The headline speaks for itself - "Humanitarianism - Self-Accountability Towards Community Benevolence".