Sunday, 27 January 2013


0.1 Who is this blogger?
Muhammad Sufiyan Bin Mohd Salleh is a muslimin - a male muslim - who lives in Malaysia generally. As at 27th January 2013, he created this blog in striving to spread benevolence widely with the usage of internet. The one who triggered his intention to start this blog as a medium of pooling intel was Abu Productive, founder of He, himself, is no better than you, readers of this project. Alhamdulillah, in remembering Allah s.w.t. (glorious and exalted be He), he utters these words in both mind and speech:
"O' Allah, make me a better muslim. If I am a better muslim today than yesterday, then I am thankful. If not, make me better, and I hope the tomorrow of me will be better than the me of today. Allahhumma amin."
It is his mission or objective to transfer all sorts of knowledge gained, insya'Allah, encompassed by his own life and surroundings into this project. His vision? The headline speaks for itself - "Humanitarianism - Self-Accountability Towards Community Benevolence".

0.2 What is "Humanitarianism - Self-Accountability Towards Community Benevolence"?
To begin with, humanitarianism, in definition, is human's welfare.This concept is evolved from the origin of his service-oriented skill. It is the very idea of providing service with a healthy manner that triggered his evolved mentality, plus, with certain influential people surrounding him. Chronologically, his concepts' evolution is from the origin of service-oriented into people-oriented, and, finally,  into humanitarianism.

Fundamentally, service-oriented skill was developed by him during his period of internship in an audit company. It then grew into people management orientation as he found the importance of managing or guiding one or more persons' emotions - Emotional Intelligence - in living their life, particularly in work life to maximize their potentials in working attitude. Insya'Allah, if Allah s.w.t. (glorified and exalted be He) permits, his orientation of people management would come to use in both his life and career growth. After two processes in the evolution of concepts, humanitarianism was born into his mind.

Generally, this concept of humanitarianism is too broad. It touches all levels of society, beginning from the individual him/herself, family, relatives, neighbours, community, 'ummah' (nation), up to the level of humanity (Mohamed, 2013). Insya'Allah, this project will slowly grow from one level to another. Apart from that, the concept is then niched into upgrading one's self-accountability, which is to be evolved into taking part in the community. Thus, creating all benevolence.

0.2.1 Self-Accountability Towards Community Benevolence
Subhanallah and alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah s.w.t. (glorified and exalted be He) for these given insights. Self-accountability regards on a person's responsibilities in his/ her life and acknowledging those responsibilities. In an organizational leadership aspect, it is to achieve and sustain a culture of integrity (Neal, ?). Only by having a person, initially, to have self-accountability, who is to influent another in his/ her scores of community, will all benevolence be created. It is a process of one influencing another, and the process ascends on up to the point everyone acknowledges his/ her own responsibilities in life.

What do you understand about "Community Benevolence"? It is the vision to create a community that consists of its people helping one another regardless of knowing or not the contact. This is the very reason humanitarianism  concept is related vitally as its definition goes "human welfare". Throughout his life, he has made friends who actually practice helping others in need regardless of the contact. In his recent 'hijrah' (travel) to Institute Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) to attend Productive Muslim Seminar 2013 on the 19th and 20th of January, he made contacts with pedestrians who they greet "Assalammualaikum" (peace be upon you) to whoever they pass. Since then, he was mesmerized by such community.

That concludes the beginning of this project. I hope this benefits you, readers, as it benefits me, insya'Allah.

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