Sunday, 23 October 2016

39.0 Lessons from Startup Career – My Managers

39.1 What is "Lessons from Startup Career - My Managers"?
Every person has his/ her personalized startup career story. The startup career story vary for everyone; some start at young age, some start after graduation, and some have re-starts multiple times. This is the startup career story from the founder of Mentality Evolutions, yours truly - lessons from my managers.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

38.0 The Dangers of Comfort Zone

38.1 What is "The Dangers of Comfort Zone"?
Comfort zone is signalled when activities become routine for an individual. It enables an individual to perform optimally. The activities are performed at the individual's discretion as the routine activities grow too much familiar. What about the opposite? What are the disabilities that come in hand with comfort zone?

Sunday, 21 August 2016

37.0 Our Problem - Where is the Compassion?

37.1 What is "Our Problem - Where is the Compassion"?
Compassion. What is it like for a person to be compassionate? Often we communicate with others is for the purpose of sharing our thoughts and ideas. We do not listen anymore to what others have to say. We have lost our ability to be compassionate. Our worst condition in this lost is signalled when we do not even look at a needing stranger by the walking pavement in public. Have we truly lost it all? Is there not a fragment of compassion lies within us? How can we regain the ability for us to be compassionate to people?

Saturday, 2 July 2016

36.0 Dangers of Mistaking Tolerance for Empathy

36.1 What is "Dangers of Mistaking Tolerance for Empathy"?
Throughout our lives, there are countless times when we feel empathised and tolerated towards people. This is especially true for nice people. Both tolerance and empathy are initiated on goodwill. The implications, however, differ to one another. How many of us realise the times we mistake tolerance for empathy? Being mindful of what differentiates tolerance and empathy will enable us to be better in living our day-to-day lives.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

35.0 Communicate Confidently

35.1 What is "Communicate Confidently"?
We communicate on a daily basis. Be it for leisure or business, we desire to be confident in our communication. The question is: what do great speakers have in common that allow them to exude confidence?

Saturday, 7 May 2016

34.0 Continuous Improvement

34.1 What is "Continuous Improvement"?
Continuous improvement is a concept that is applicable to all aspects of life, and it is widely used for process improvements. Often it is used for projects, and the basis of undergoing this is purely for improvement. There are many tools and stages in implementing continuous improvement. We will discuss the tools in stages of: the requirement, the implementation and the completion.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

33.0 Signs of a Poor Engagement

33.1 What is "Signs of a Poor Engagement"?
We all desire a healthy engagement in any type of relationship - family, personal, neighbourhood, social, work, etc. However, there are times when an engagement goes awry. It is necessary for us to understand and be mindful of these signs signalling the poor engagement, and counteracting them for improving our level of engagement.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

32.0 The Key in Sky Rocketing Your Potentials

32.1 What is "The Key in Sky Rocketing Your Potentials"?
There are three motivation drivers when it comes to unleashing your potentials: money, accountability and culture. Each of the three has their own pros and cons which relatively results in your level of growth for your potentials. With that being said, which is the key in sky rocketing your potentials?

Sunday, 7 February 2016

31.0 The Four Competencies of Leadership

31.1 What is "The Four Competencies of Leadership"?
Leadership is not based on title; leadership is based on characteristics. What are the characteristics for leadership? There are diversified characteristics of leadership in existence, which several to name are persistence, tenacity, decision-making, self-accountability, teamwork, time management, positivity oriented, continuous improvement oriented, and the list goes on. To work on the path to be a great leader, one needs to be able to assess his/ her level of competency. The four competencies of leadership are identified into: basic, intermediate, expert and mastery.