Saturday, 7 May 2016

34.0 Continuous Improvement

34.1 What is "Continuous Improvement"?
Continuous improvement is a concept that is applicable to all aspects of life, and it is widely used for process improvements. Often it is used for projects, and the basis of undergoing this is purely for improvement. There are many tools and stages in implementing continuous improvement. We will discuss the tools in stages of: the requirement, the implementation and the completion.

34.2 Continuous Improvement

34.2.1 The Requirement
Continuous improvement is a basis of change. To begin change, we are required to understand the current process. Understanding the current process is important as it allows us to find and experience issues the process possesses.
Secondly, we are required to have higher knowledge. Higher knowledge is important in the basis of continuous improvement, and is even more important when it involves a total change.

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
Third of all, having complete understanding of the mind tool called PDCA (Plan.Do.Check.Act). This step by step tool is very important as it identifies, solves, mitigates and resolves issues during the process improvement.
Finally, any project requires timeline. Use a timeline tool that best fits the project.
34.2.2 The Implementation
In undergoing the continuous improvement project, there are three elements important for us to be mindful. The first and foremost, focus on the element of simplicity. Simplicity is for everyone's ease of understanding and working. It is no less important than the another two elements.
The second element is 1+1≥3, or also known as added value. Ensure the continuous improvement project adds value in comparison to its existing process. The end result - new process - can be signalled a failure if the process is functioning similarly to its previous process.
Finally, provide clarity and understanding to the people involved in the project. Clarity and understanding are important to ensure swift engagement with everyone involved, along with swift transition and migration towards the end of the process improvement.
34.2.3 The Completion
Once the continuous improvement project is completed, its finishing touches are to have a backup of the previous process and database, and separate the previous process from the new process to ensure security and prevent redundancy.

34.3 Summary

I hope this topic benefits you as much as it has benefited myself, wa la hawla wa la kuwatta ila billah. Insha'Allah, the next topic will be posted in the near future.

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