Saturday, 11 June 2016

35.0 Communicate Confidently

35.1 What is "Communicate Confidently"?
We communicate on a daily basis. Be it for leisure or business, we desire to be confident in our communication. The question is: what do great speakers have in common that allow them to exude confidence?

35.2 The Six Elements for Communicating Confidently

35.2.1 Speak with Purpose

Purposeful message will provide clarity on the desired call to action. The strength of purpose is relatively important because strong purpose will very likely be delivered with high enthusiasm. That catches attention.
35.2.2 Persistence
Be persistent in delivering your message. It is a positive signal to have two-way communication rather than one-way communication. During the two-way communication, there will be times when our message delivery will be interrupted and challenged. Be persistent in delivering your message while at the same time listening to your listener's feedback.
35.2.3 Express Powerful Body Language
Be mindful and express powerful body language. Amy Cuddy emphasized the importance of powerful body language in her Ted Talks speech. Using powerful body language will enable you to be much more confident, and using the right powerful body language in message delivery will catch the listener's attention. Additionally, attaching the right emotions with the right powerful body language will enhance your confidence on another level.
35.2.4 Vulnerability
Be vulnerable throughout the communication. Allow questioning, interruption or disturbance in your message flow of thoughts. Take the necessary pause, think and respond.
35.2.5 The Listener's Verbal Feedback
There are two perspectives in listening and understanding the listener. First perspective requires you to listen and understand the listener's verbal feedback. Understand the questions, comments and critics raised by the listener. Understand them, then, provide sound response.
35.2.6 The Listener's Non-verbal Feedback
Second perspective requires you to listen and understand the listener's non-verbal feedback. Understand the body language cues such as facial expressions, hand gesture, sitting posture, etc. Being mindful to the listener's body language cues allow you to be more understanding on the listener's perception towards your speech. This allows you to impromptu adjust your message delivery.

I hope this topic benefits you as much as it has benefited myself, wa la hawla wa la kuwatta ila billah. Insha'Allah, the next topic will be posted in the near future.

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