Sunday, 1 March 2015

25.0 Bridging Gaps Between Generations

25.1 What is "Bridging Gaps Between Generations"?
Often two individuals of different generations are in clash of opinions. There have been many accusations which few of the examples are included: "Baby boomer is not adaptive to change", "Generation X is skeptical", "Generation Y is unable to focus". All such accusations are caused by one significant element: time. As time continues, technology evolves and this leads to different forms of conveniences and difficulties. The issue of gaps between generations lies from two elements: (1) people of different generations not wanting to understand and accept others, and (2) people of past and current generations not receptive to changes. The question: How to bridge these gaps between different generations?

25.2 Solution #1: Communication
The norm of the community - family, close relationship, people in authority, management, etc. - communicates in a negative setup which is the one-way communication. The elders assume power as they think they are far knowledgeable in comparison to the youngsters. This setup may have worked well before the age of internet, but no more. Since the time of internet's wide usage, an individual's knowledge vary in accordance to an individual's reception towards technology. Knowledge has been vastly accessible since then.
The better and positive setup of communication should be engaged in a two-way communication. A two-way communication where one speaks and listens. The keys in speaking are clarity and simplicity; the key in listening is understanding. It is important for us to not be trapped by communication's common flaw of listening to reply. Quoted by Stephen R. Covey:
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply.
An example of a negative listening is when the listener responds to the speaker's problem by telling his/ her side of problem. The opposite - positive listening - is when the listener responds by telling him/ her available solutions or inquiring more on the problem to lessen the speaker's tension.

25.3 Solution #2: Acknowledgement
People are in harmony when there exists mutual understanding and acknowledgement. Acknowledgement can be achieved through two methods: (1) blind acknowledgement, or (2) reflective acknowledgement. Blind acknowledgement can often be found from a mother's love towards her children; it is therefore unconditional. Reflective acknowledgement is found from exchange of insights between different individuals through practises and opinions; it is therefore conditional.
Reflective acknowledgement through opinions is when the speaker shares his/ her experience with evidence to the listener. Evidence may be in the forms of certifications, medals, official history, etc. Reflective acknowledgement through practise is when the listener underwent similar events to the speaker's experience. Both the speaker and listener share a similar experience which leads to acknowledgement.
Different generations create different personalities significantly due to different forms of conveniences and difficulties. Nevertheless, forms of conveniences and difficulties are not limited to only generations, but also places with restricted demographic elements. Therefore, an individual's personality is subjectively exceptional for blind acknowledgement.

25.4 The Catchphrase
With understanding, communication becomes mutually open. With acknowledgement, communication becomes mutually respectable. Bridging the gaps between generations require both.

I hope this topic benefits you as much as it has benefited myself, wa la hawla wa la kuwatta ila billah. Insha'Allah, the next topic will be posted in the near future.

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