24.1 What is "Communication in Simplicity"?
Communication at its basic is exchanging or transferring information between two parties or more. A person engaging a communication can be engaged in a variety of ways. There are four areas that will enable us to communicate in simplicity yet positively engaging. The four areas of discussion: process of communication, orientations of communication, two types of communication, and elements of a convincing communication.
24.2 Process of Communication
24.2.1 The Opening
Communication begins with an opening. In all varieties of communication setup, the elements for a great opening include introducing the topics of discussion, and making it short.
24.2.2 The Content
Proceed to the content once the listener's interest is sparked. The key in transferring our messages to the listener is for their understanding. Therefore, deliver the messages in its simplest language. Minimize and avoid using jargon.
24.2.3 The Closing
End the engagement with a positive note. Two of the keys to a great closing include short summarization and a call for action. These two apply not only to the listener, but also to the speaker.
24.3 Orientations in Communication
There are two orientations in communication: subjective and objective.
Subjective orientation involves both the speaker and listener to be engaged in a long period of conversation. The conversation's general goal is to pool ideas. An example of this is the informative communication.
Objective orientation involves both the speaker and listener to be engaged in a short period of conversation. The conversation's general goal is to have a decision. An example of this is the persuasive communication.
24.4 Two Types of Communication
Constructive communication is a positively engaging setup where the speaker and listener both engage in exchanging information. Often it involves brainstorming, thought provoking, understanding the speaker's information and respect towards each other. This setup creates a positive vibe that encourages both parties to be participative.
Destructive communication is a negatively engaging setup where the speaker and listener do not engage mutually in exchanging information. Often it involves offensive arguments, unclear message, disengaged listener and misunderstanding the speaker's information. This setup creates a negative vibe that discourages both parties to be participative.
24.5 Elements of a Convincing Communication
There exist many traits of a convincing communication. A highly convincing communication requires five exceptional elements:
- high confidence
- in-depth understanding
- researched topic of discussion
- listening
- strong presence and influence
An exceptional advantage to individuals having strong presence and influence is that such individuals have higher likelihood to transform a destructive communication into a constructive communication.
I hope this topic will be beneficial to you as it will benefit myself, wa la hawla wa la kuwatta ila billah. Insha'Allah, the next topic will be posted in the near future.
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