Monday, 31 August 2015

30.0 What are Your Roots?

30.1 What is "What are Your Roots"?
Life begins at the stage of an infant. We age to the stages of baby, young, mature and old. As we age, our circles of influence also grow. Circles of influence - self, family, friends and acquaintances, colleagues, community, society, etc. -  influence our roots of values. Roots of values are important as they define our persona and the way we communicate. Roots of values are identified in three forms: surface roots, lateral roots and taproot.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

29.0 Inner and Outer Peace

29.1 What is "Inner and Outer Peace"?
Peace, subjectively, can be referred to a state of harmony where people from all walks of life co-exist with maximal agreements and minimal disputes. Achieving inner and outer peace not only encourages people to be accepting their root culture and respecting other's root culture, but also enables the possibility of people being multi-cultured. So, the question goes: how can we achieve inner and outer peace? We will discuss this through two inter-related approaches: the concept of true and fair, and the power of empathy.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

28.0 The Power of Empathy

28.1 What is "The Power of Empathy"?
Empathy is often displayed by people-oriented individuals. Empathizing others do wonders when done right, where it involves sharing what others are going through in their lives. It requires us to be accepting, emotionally open and wanting to listen attentively to others. To understand how empathy works, we need to understand its two core elements: acceptance and understanding.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

27.0 Problem-Solving: When It Makes Us Stressed?

27.1 What is "Problem-Solving: When It Makes Us Stressed"?
Problem-solving involves two elements of focus: the problem and the solution. When dealt wrongly, it will imply negative stress. The focus here is to be mindful when problem-solving goes out of track that it implies negative stress to us. Being mindful of this will directly diminish unnecessary time consumption. There are three types of stress implications in problem-solving: the problem identification, the immediate solution, and the continuous improvement.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

26.0 What Makes You a Team Player?

26.1 What is "What Makes You a Team Player?"?
A team is a group of people working on a mutual goal. Nevertheless, having a mutual goal alone is not sufficient to make the team work productively harmonious. There are various perspectives on how we can identify a team being good or bad. We will discuss on these five elements: communication, support, recognition, goal mutuality, and motivations.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

25.0 Bridging Gaps Between Generations

25.1 What is "Bridging Gaps Between Generations"?
Often two individuals of different generations are in clash of opinions. There have been many accusations which few of the examples are included: "Baby boomer is not adaptive to change", "Generation X is skeptical", "Generation Y is unable to focus". All such accusations are caused by one significant element: time. As time continues, technology evolves and this leads to different forms of conveniences and difficulties. The issue of gaps between generations lies from two elements: (1) people of different generations not wanting to understand and accept others, and (2) people of past and current generations not receptive to changes. The question: How to bridge these gaps between different generations?

Monday, 2 February 2015

24.0 Communication in Simplicity

24.1 What is "Communication in Simplicity"?
Communication at its basic is exchanging or transferring information between two parties or more. A person engaging a communication can be engaged in a variety of ways. There are four areas that will enable us to communicate in simplicity yet positively engaging. The four areas of discussion: process of communication, orientations of communication, two types of communication, and elements of a convincing communication.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

23.0 Decision-making on Great Options

23.1 What is "Decision-making on Great Options"?
This event occurs when we are faced in making a decision from having options that potentially offer great results. While the narrowed options will result greatly towards a project, the question lies in the options' distinctive difference. That distinctive difference matter significantly not in the short-term but in the long-term. That distinctive difference determines the direction of a project.