Saturday, 22 June 2013

7.0 What is Your Catchphrase?

7.0 What is "What is Your Catchphrase?"
Really now, what is up with this topic? Does it not sound wasteful to think of something so simple that it ridicules us? The answer is: NO. The answer is capitalized to express the strength of having our own catchphrase of words, whom some people may also call it a tagline, slogan, mantra, quotation, words of wisdom, and the list goes on. Elements to take account in creating our own catchphrase are, for example, as following:
  1. Practicality - it must be realistic, able to be practiced and achieved.
  2. Differentiation - it must be different for it is what makes you unique, and distinguished from the rest.
  3. Evolution - an additional quality, it must have the ability to evolve from a basic element into another that is better.

7.1 Creating Your Catchphrase

Saturday, 15 June 2013

6.0 Energy Management - Physical

6.0 What is "Energy Management"?
Bluntly, it is defined exactly as it sounds - the ability to manage our energy - but there exist various types of energy namely physical energy, mental energy, and emotion energy. All these three elements of energy can be managed, which should they be managed effectively will result in a refreshing kick start in a daily basis. In this post, we will look into understanding the physical energy management.

6.1 The Basic - Understanding Energy Levels
This illustration does not necessarily depicts actual energy levels for each person for, in actuality, every person's physique abilities differ. This is crafted to have a gist understanding on the basic energy levels of a human on a 12-hour basis.