Saturday, 23 February 2013

3.0 Three Nutritions for a Human

3.1 What is "Three Nutritions for a Human"?
Exist within our environment are three nutritions for the soul, mind and body for any human. This topic is to discuss on what they are exactly and how we can gain or build these nutritions into ourselves. This topic was first initiated by Abu Productive during the Productive Muslim Seminar 2013.

3.2 The Three Nutritions

Sunday, 17 February 2013

2.0 Daily Life with Remembrance (Part 1)

2.1 What is "Daily Life with Remembrance"?
Daily life with remembrance is basically living our lives in constantly remembering Allah s.w.t. (glorified and exalted be He). How can we do that? It is by employing these twelve words in our daily conversation or dialogue. Encompassing our daily conversation or dialogue with these twelve utterly words promotes our iman (faith), insya'Allah. Apart from practicing these words for the purpose of remembrance, certain words also act as a good will pray to oneself and the other party upon engaging in a conversation or dialogue. Nevertheless, remembrance of Allah s.w.t. is not subjected to only these mentioned words.

2.2 The Thirteen Remembrances

Saturday, 2 February 2013

1.0 3 Cores in Implementing a Project

1.1 What is "3 Cores in Implementing a Project"?
The three cores - intention, speech, and action - are originally taken from the knowledge in Islam, subhanallah, which can be practiced in various aspects in our daily life. Its origin is for the purpose of identifying a muslim's level of iman (faith). These cores can be seen as a trigger to initiate a project or even a mere action. On another basis, it can be used to combat procrastination.

1.2.0 The Three Cores